Monday, June 30, 2008

Mtv Cribs "The Unemployed Writer Living In Hollywood Edition"

Very cool update we have here. Tonight I'm proud to bring you; one of the many "making of" segments for 5 Ways to Split Apart the Day. Currently the film itself is still seeking financing which is a bummer. But I'm glad none the less that I have a film in some sort of development.

So you're about to watch a sneak peak into the madness behind our creativity. Please don't mind the appearances everybody.
I know we look like a couple of "Burning Man" enthusiast but it's only because we literally locked ourselves away during the writing process for this film.
Sunlight was a foreign element as was a good meal and this goes without saying...sleep.

Sincerely, thank you for keeping up with me. Much more to come! I literally have hours of this stuff.

Mtv Cribs "The Unemployed Writer Living In Hollywood Edition" featuring writers and creators Jeremy Thomas and John Darko. Filmed 09/07 - Enjoy!

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Anonymous said...

ohh my this is the best thing ive seen in a blog. made me laugh.

Anonymous said...


blankshooting said...

that's gold! you are living the dream my friends, sporting the bodies of an adonis and making the magic happen - ramen noodles rock!!!